It is certainly no exaggeration that a specially trained dog for someone suffering from epilepsy or another type of seizure (cardio, narcolepsy, etc.) can save its owner’s life.
Epilepsy, heart attacks, narcoleptic seizures and other seizures or states of unconsciousness are very treacherous diseases, they are not visible and often the approaching seizure attack comes completely unexpectedly, at an inappropriate time and in an inappropriate place. The public easily confuses a person suffering from a seizure, lying on the sidewalk, for a drunk or drugged person, which can have fatal consequences for the person suffering from the seizure. It has been proven that the mere presence and establishment of the closest possible relationship with a dog is of enormous benefit to a person suffering from a seizure disorder and a balm for their psyche. The fact that he is not alone in the treacherous disease and has a specially trained dog with him is a source of peace for the sick person and the feelings that cause unnecessary stress disappear. Such a relationship with the animal itself can positively influence the frequency and severity of seizure states. A specially trained dog can run for help near the residence, workplace, school, or in places with little movement of people, and in unfamiliar places or at a frequency, call for help with its speech and markings, alert passers-by to its master and thus ensure much-needed help. There are many forms and causes of “seizure” diseases and it is known that a dog can recognize some of them in advance. This means that in some cases, a dog can warn its owner 5-20 or more minutes in advance of an impending seizure, thus giving them time to take medication that eliminates or reduces the severity of the seizure or unconsciousness, or to find a safe place or warn someone that they need help.
Caution: A dog cannot be taught to detect seizures in advance (except for diabetes), this “trait” must be innate to the dog and can only be “improved” and refined through training. Unfortunately, in our country, it is not possible to practice dog selection as is common in the USA, but also in many European countries, when correctional facilities are involved in the project, where – as a reward – prisoners with similar types of seizures to those of the applicants for signal dogs are selected. The dog is placed in a cell with the affected prisoner and is usually monitored 24 hours a day by a web camera. If the dog is indifferent to the symptoms of the disease, it is exchanged for another dog. In this way, the most suitable individuals are selected and at the same time, the health of the prisoners themselves, who are involved in the project, improves, and involvement in these projects is both a great motivation for them and a non-violent and often effective form of their correction.
In our conditions, we try to select dogs that have an excellent, even dependent relationship with humans and show certain, detectable forms of empathy. Whether a dog will signal a seizure or unconsciousness in advance depends mainly on. on how deep and warm the relationship between a person with a disability and a dog will be!
The system, which already works in some countries and by which a dog is able to call its owner for help if necessary, unfortunately does not work in the Czech Republic yet. It is a device that the dog uses to connect to an operator using a button located in the apartment. The operator verifies the need for a trip by phone and if the person with a disability does not respond, a doctor will come to help. We hope that people with disabilities will also receive services at such a high level in our country.
But what works and what a dog can use to call for the necessary help is placing a switch (the same as a light switch) within the dog’s reach and allowing the dog free access to this switch at any time and connecting the switch to relatives, doctors, etc.
A signal dog canalso bring and administer medication, a mobile phone, an insulin pen, bring a blanket and cover the person with a disability, and if necessary, warm the person with their own body.
A signal dog is prepared for a specific applicant, exactly according to the type of their illness, their needs, possibilities, abilities and requirements.
For child clients, it is essential for successful cooperation with a dog that the child is able to respond correctly to the dog’s stimuli, therefore they must be at an age where they are able to do so, which is at least 10 years old.