Dog socialization courses
Motto No. 1:
We don’t teach dogs, we teach their owners how to understand their dog.
Motto No. 2 – motto of the Czech Cynological Association:
Train your dog while there is time!
In response to the increasing number of conflicts between dog owners and non-dog owners, the Dog Social Education Courses project was created. There was a growing demand from responsible dog owners for opportunities to “educate” their dog. People began to understand that only an educated dog will not disturb its surroundings and will be a pleasant companion for everyone. In our courses, every owner can learn to understand his dog and, under expert guidance, teach it basic control, socialisation – the dog’s behaviour in the company of other people and dogs, and correct its bad habits.
The most common problem we encounter is recall. The owner is afraid to let the dog go because it will not come when called and it is dangerous for the dog and the environment. But if he can’t let him go, he can’t even teach him to come when called and both dog and owner get into a “vicious circle”. In our fenced training area the dog is in no danger and the instructor will advise you on how to do this.
- In small groups (max 6-7 dogs) your dog will make friends and learn how to interact with other dogs in a non-violent way.
- Social Dog Training classes take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays – see the schedule below for each class. You can sign up for classes all year round.
You can also come for a no-obligation visit by appointment. If you are bringing your dog, please remember to bring a valid vaccination certificate / dog passport, a secure collar and leash and a secure muzzle for aggressive dogs.
2 in 1
As the only one in the Czech Republic we offer you the opportunity not only to learn how to understand your dog under the guidance of top experts and with the guarantee of the holder of the Golden Badge of Exemplary Trainer of the 1st Grade, Zuzana Daušová, but also to contribute to a good cause: the proceeds of these courses are intended for the benefit of people with disabilities – applicants for assistance and signal dogs, which receives very limited state support – the project Help Comes on Four Paws.
Specialisation in problematic dog behaviour – an opportunity to consult with experienced professionals who work on the basis of many years of experience (up to 46 years), a large number of trained dogs of various breeds and a wide knowledge of higher nervous activity of dogs (dog psychology) and ethology.
- Courses are suitable for all breeds of dogs, including small (miniature) breeds.
- Courses include socialisation of dogs
- Lessons are adapted and divided according to the age of the dogs and the size of the breeds – or from kindergarten to “graduation” 🙂 .
- Special lessons for deaf and hard of hearing dogs
- After successful completion of lessons, possibility to prepare and pass basic obedience tests – ZZO, ZOP, BH, Obedience, Rally Obedience
Don’t forget to bring your dog’s vaccination card or passport with valid vaccinations against distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis, leptospirosis, kennel cough and rabies (not required for puppies up to 6 months of age), a secure collar (not a harness) and leash (not a so-called ‘slip line’). The leash should not be a “flexi” leash, the dog’s favourite toy (retrieving object), rewards for the dog – what he really loves, sportswear ( be prepared that your dog may jump on you for joy or you may get wet), safe, preferably sports shoes and above all a good, optimistic mood. For dogs with a tendency to be aggressive, do not forget the safety of other canine “classmates”, the safety of people and your own, and pack a secure muzzle to take to “school”.
- Over 3000 dog owners have successfully completed the Dog Social Education courses.
- We do not practise sport defence on our premises. However, we do work with first class handlers.
- The Helppes regulations must be respected on the premises.
In case of absence the lesson will be forfeited. Excuses are only possible in exceptional cases (serious illness of the dog or owner, death in the family, etc.). If a participant is missing twice without an apology, another participant will be enrolled in his/her place. In the case of a long interruption, the course must be completed by the end of the training period (first semester – by the end of the school year, second semester – by the end of the year), lessons cannot be transferred to the next training period.
Reservation of places and further information will be provided by the course.
Tuesday and Thursday courses Mrs Markéta Moravcová – phone 607 569 925
Sunday courses Mrs Hana Kocvrlichová – phone 606440190
Training days and hours
- Tuesday:
- 16:00 – 17:00
- 17:00 – 18:00
- 18:00 – 19:00
- Thursday:
- 16:00 – 17:00
- 17:00 – 18:00
- 18:00 – 19:00
- Sunday:
- 1:00 p.m. – 14:00
- 14:00 – 15:00
- 15:00 – 16:00
When registering for a course via the registration form, please wait for a response or phone call to confirm the date. Thank you